
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Attachments  >  Stereo Microscopes Attachments
To meet the modern biological research, semiconductor and other technology industries use requirements of different occasions, matt optical microscope according to the modular design, body has a variety of universal support, base group, industrial binding with elevator group, the eyepiece, micrometer eyepiece, additional lens, photography, camera, digital camera, object stage machinery, such as the attachment to choose from.
Stereo Microscopes Attachments
镇平县| 庄浪县| 保康县| 大宁县| 光山县| 东明县| 图片| 德保县| 广南县| 鹿泉市| 闸北区| 黔东| 洞头县| 拉孜县| 镇坪县| 丹凤县| 县级市| 白沙| 江津市| 濮阳县| 玉溪市| 宁夏| 化德县| 荥经县| 宁化县| 板桥市| 宣恩县| 武宁县| 永川市| 延庆县| 永和县| 钟山县| 濮阳县| 兴安盟| 威远县| 图们市| 聂拉木县| 明水县| 南汇区| 新郑市| 怀来县|